Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How to be Happy Day-by-Day

Dear Readers,

Greetings of the day!

Everyone wants that every day in his life should bring him happiness. If you're not living each day in a way that brings you happiness, then take a look at following tips below, follow them and brighten up your daily routine: -

Thanks Giving:

Every morning take the time to list 10 things you're grateful for. You've heard it 1000 times before. And there's a reason for that. What we focus on expands. When we focus on what we have, we feel good. And we start looking for more things to appreciate. And we find more things. And we feel even better. When you make your list, and as you go about your day, try to include things you take for granted -- like being able to see, the car starting, running water, heat, having a bed, your child's creative mind. Say “Thank You” to everyone, who comes to you, irrespective of his status or role in your life.


If there is negativity out there in the world, you need to face it bravely. It's key to seek out the beauty and inspiration we want in our life. To consciously create our own sense of well-being; below are a few ways to inspire yourself:

• Spend just 10 minutes in the morning playing music, reading or writing poetry, laughing with your children, dancing, reading good fiction, or walking out in nature.

• Pay attention to messages you are hearing inside or outside of your head. Consciously turn your attention elsewhere when something negative crops up. Do this over and over and over. Feed yourself inspirational audio rather than the news.

·      Spend minimum of 10 minutes daily for prayers.

Self-Energizing and Revitalizing:

There's no separation between our bodies and our emotional states. Make it key to be healthy. Eat well, sleep well, and exercise. Seek ways to feel energetic. Energy=joy. Here are a few:

• Play music you love and dance for three minutes.

• Do ten minutes of yoga.

• Take a 10-min walk and look at the sky.

• Deliberately drink Amazing Grass vs coffee at the afternoon low.

• Add a vegetable or leafy green to your lunch or dinner.

Creation of extraordinary Moments:

Consciously choose to make someone feel great or to create a beautiful moment for yourself.

• Send a thank you note to the everyone, he may be a clerk at the municipality, any office, an author, a teacher, etc.

• Look someone in the eyes.

• Deliberately compliment someone.

• Give someone a flower -- even a stranger.

• Start a conversation or share a laugh with a stranger.

• Creative, conscious gift giving.

• Write three things you love about someone and mail them.

Seeking an Adventure

One simple joy that we often forget about occurs when we break out of our rut and challenge ourselves, even in the smallest of ways. I have a coaching client who told me one day that he was dedicated to doing something differently every day for a week. Driving a different route, going someplace new for lunch, wearing clothes he didn't normally wear. Try the following: -

• Sign up for a new class.

• Pick up a book about something brand new.

• Meet someone new.

• At lunch today, take your lunch and sit somewhere brand new.

• Use a coffee mug you never use.

• Wear something you don't normally wear.

• Speak your mind in a new way.

Elevating the Ordinary:

Buddha said, "If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change." Often what creates a real feeling of joy is simply that we are present to life. Try it, right now. You should stop reading. In the next two minutes, breathe deeply and focus on something in front of you. Really see it. Imagine this is the first time you are seeing this object or person. What happens? Record your experience and go on repeating this daily for two minutes only and see the changes it brings to you.


At the end of the day, spend just 5 or 10 minutes making a list of everything that went right. What did you do that made someone smile? What electronics didn't break? Were you able to walk/see/think? Did you have a connection with your spouse or child? Did you make someone feel great or create an extraordinary moment for them? Don't let these things go unnoticed. Celebrate yourself and your life. You want more joy in your life? Celebrate the joy you do have. Celebrate the amazing person you already are. It is truly said, "Those who seek beauty are sure to find it." When you find it, celebrate it! Celebrations are the best way for getting happiness.

By following the above simple methods, May the Almighty fill your life with joy!

With Best wishes,

Vinod Khurana

00971 55 714 9983

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