Sunday, June 8, 2014

How to Get Inner Peace

Dear Readers,

Greetings of the day!


Let me ask you some questions? Do you find daily that your life is filled with stress? Does it seem as if there is always something happening that encompasses your entire attention, and therefore drains positive energy from you?


Your answers to my questions would most probably be in affirmative. You all might have learnt by now that as our society grows more and more complex; finding true inner peace becomes more difficult. It is just like trying to find an oasis in the desert.


I, therefore, thought it might be helpful for you to share with you some of the methods that I use in my life to experience inner peace and disconnect from my hectic daily routine.


First Step:


The first step for inner peace is to accept what it is. There is only so much you can affect. What you cannot change, what you cannot influence, need not concern you. I have noticed with so many people that they focus and linger on things they have no control over. The major point here is why worry about something that all the worrying in the world will not change? Why you should care about what other people think of you when you are not even sure what it is they are actually thinking?


Second Step:


Second step is quieting your mind. Let me assure you that meditation is great way of quieting the mind. It is very important activity that can change your entire life. However, not everyone wants to meditate or knows how to do it. Meditating for just 10 minutes a day can have an enormous impact in all areas of your life. If you have a lot on your mind and feel as if your thoughts are driving you crazy, meditation can help you find inner peace. Meditating is not tough, rather it is very easy. To quiet the mind simply close everything, sit back, shut your eyes and you should clear your mind of every single thought. Focus on the emptiness. You will be surprised what a mere 10 minutes of quieting the mind can do to turn things around for you. Is it not very easy?


Third Step:


The next step, I would advise is to spend your time in nature. You would agree that you spend so much time confined in buildings either at work or at home that you have forgotten where you come from. It is natural for us to be in nature, and this is why it feels so good and it is so peaceful when you take a walk in a park, cycle on a trail in the forest or stand watching the waves roll in at the beach. Watching nature is stillness, observing nature nurtures us. Spending time with nature will help you naturally attune to the rhythm of the seasons and the vibration of mother earth.


Fourth Step:


Now let us learn the power of a smile. Whenever you laugh or smile, something happens on a chemical level to make you feel better, and stress and negativity are prevented from entering your psyche. Laughter yoga is a brilliant tool to use as a pattern interrupt. You will observe that a simple smile can make such a difference. You will quickly realize that inner peace finds its way much more easily to you when you smile and take yourself lightly.


Fifth Step:


Next step is to see the BIG picture of everything. You will agree that you are so consumed within your own problems that you can no longer see the wood from the trees. It's helpful to remind ourselves how big the world is. Take a moment and read up about some other countries, cultures or religions. Be aware that the world does not revolve around your problems. On hearing about a tsunami or an earthquake killing thousands of people it puts my small cares and worries into perspective. My problems aren't really "problems". Looking beyond ourselves is very important in finding inner peace.


Sixth Step:


Next step to get the inner peace is to Care about others, but don't become a rescuer. Inner peace is hard to find when being self-consumed and only worrying about your own needs and wants. When you begin to genuinely care about other people, miracles happen. However, choose to be empathetic, not compassionate. Empathy is putting yourself in someone else's shoes and treating them as you would wish to be treated. It brings with it infinite patience and grace. Compassion can easily turn into rescuer behaviour; it's insidious and can lead to trying to fix someone, which apart from being the height of arrogance, can also distract you from your own inner peace. An act of random kindness and goodwill allows you to ease your way towards inner peace.


Seventh Step:


On the ladder of getting inner peace is to embrace hope. Hope is what lightens your life. With hope you always have a path towards inner peace. Whenever you get stressed out and overwhelmed within your own life, you forget that hope. You forget that the sun always shines after a rainy day, and that this is merely a bump in the road. With hope, I know that whatever is seemingly terrible is only temporary and that soon enough, things will be just great. This lifts off all of that negativity and gross positive energy from my entire being, and I feel in tune instantly.


Eighth Step:


Learn to commit to yourself. You will agree that one thing that provides you with much stress in life is the fact that you always worry about not having all the answers. Just accepting that you do not know everything and that you are open to perpetual learning is a tremendous step to take towards achieving inner peace. I find great joy in learning all kinds of things, and just being aware that I am growing as a person each and every day provides me with great feelings of inner peace. Accept that life is one big journey of never-ending learning and you will find yourself closer to experiencing true inner peace.


Last Step:


Last step on the ladder for getting Inner Peace is to live in the here and now, i.e. in PRESENT. Most of the time, what you worry about is relating to something either in the past, or something that hasn't happened. Living in the here and now erases all such thoughts. Why worry about something in the past that you cannot change? Why worry about something that you are not even sure will happen or not? You know that past is history, future is mystery and PRESENT is GIFT. My advice, therefore, to you is to live in PRESENT.


May you be blessed with Real Long Lasting Inner Peace!

With Best wishes and blessings


Vinod Khurana

00 971 55 714 9983


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