Friday, October 21, 2011


Are you aware that as you read the words on this page, an incredible ecosystem of energy is flowing through you? This energy ecosystem controls your emotions and dictates your desires. It influences your strengths and weaknesses. It has been there since you were born, and will stay with you until you die.

Like any other ecosystem, its parts work in tandem, and determine the strength of the whole system. Your energetic ecosystem is known as the 7 Chakras. This system functions in a way similar to the flora and fauna in a rainforest rely on each other to create an optimal living environment, your 7 Chakras work together to create an optimal life for you; when they’re properly strengthened.

You may go through the following paragraphs to learn more about how your Chakras influence different aspects of your life, and what you can do to strengthen them. 
The big question is - is your energetic ecosystem working the way it should?

And more importantly, do you know how to influence it? Imagine having the ability, at any given moment; to instantly uplift any aspect of your life by tapping into one of your 7 Chakras, and empowering it.
If you need to perform better at work and get that raise or promotion- strengthen your 1st Chakra. Similarly, if you want to lose that excess flab and look attractive in your clothes - again, work on your 1st Chakra. If you want to spice up your sex life and enjoy mind-blowing orgasms -unblock your 2nd Chakra. If you want to eliminate misunderstandings and connect better with your spouse, kids, friends and co-workers - work on your 4th Chakra. In this way, you may have innumerous desires, which could be fulfilled by strengthening other Chakras.

Working on different Energy Ecosystem Centers, is the foundation of the ancient science known as Chakra Healing–an effective, spiritual and completely natural way to break free from the shackles of personal limitations, and start living on your own terms.
But what exactly are these 7 Chakras?

Chakras are 7 circular vortexes of energy (or sometimes pictured as flowers with petals of different numbers and different colours) starting from your tail bone, and ending at the crown of your head. They are the focal points of your life force, or prana–and their individual states are vital to your holistic well-being.
Consider this–if we are all energetic beings of limitless potential, why do we face challenges in so many aspects of our lives? Why do our relationships, finances, career and sex life sometimes go awry? The answer is that the Chakra controlling this particular part of your life is dysfunctional. It means it is your job to strengthen and work on it.

Today, more and more people of different races and faiths are realizing that the ancient science of Chakra-Healing holds the key to virtually everything you have ever wanted in life. Have you ever wondered how some people can: -

·         Almost effortlessly become top performers at work, have all the money they need for necessities and luxuries alike, and look fabulous doing it? That’s because their 1st Chakra (Root Chakra, situated at the tail bone of your body*), which controls their career and finances, is strong.

·         Indulge in mind-blowing passionate sex multiple times a week, even if they’re extremely busy and have been married for years? Their 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra, situated in the back-bone, below the navel of your body*), which controls their sexuality; is most likely glowing and is very strong.

·         Consistently project an image of unwavering confidence, even in the toughest of situations, and play an active role in their families and communities? That’s all thanks to the radiance of their 3rd Chakra (Personal Power Chakra, situated in the back bone, above the navel of your body*), which controls their personal power.

·         Enjoy deep, loving and understanding relationships with their teenage children, spouses, friends & co-workers, and solve any dispute amicably? Their 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra, situated in the back bone, behind the heart of your body*), which controls their relationships, is no doubt healthy.

·         Always speak their minds, wear their hearts on their sleeves, and be respected for their authenticity? That’s a shining 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra, situated in the back area of throat, where the back bone is touching the neck*), which controls their true voice, at work.

·         Rely on their “gut feelings” to intuitively solve problems at home and make important decisions at work–and be right about it most of the time? They’ve got an efficient 6th Chakra (Intuitive Chakra, situated slightly over the point between the two eye-brows*), which controls their intuition, to thank for that. 

·         Experience an unwavering connection to Almighty and their higher selves, and savor the security of knowing they’re being watched over at all times? Their 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra, situated in the crown of your head*), which controls their divine consciousness, is surely empowered.

What is Chakra-Healing & how does Chakra-Healing relate to other popular energy healing practices?
Chakra-Healing is energy healing in its purest, truest form–and all energy healing disciplines are based on the concept of Chakras. The origins of this ancient science are rooted in old Books, and date back to a period between 1500 and 1200 BC. Following are some of the techniques of Chakra-Healing:-

·         The breathing, stretching, recitation of particular words/phrases and meditative exercises used in Yoga are frequently targeted at the energy lines, or Chakras, flowing through the body.

·         By drawing on their personal energy systems, Reiki masters work on energy blocks within the body, with the intention of healing different aspects of people’s lives.

·         Traditional Chinese healing sciences, like Tai Chi, assert that the body has natural patterns of qi energy associated with it. Illnesses are seen as the product of disrupted or unbalanced qi movements.

·         The science of Acupuncture recognizes the Chakras, or as it calls them, the Taiji Pole, as the main energy conduit in the body. In many countries like France, Acupuncture is now an insurable medical practice.

·         Qi Gong is the Mandarin Chinese term for the Chakra System, and states that qi energy flows through energy channels known as meridians.

Chakra-Healing should be taken from professionals only, who have learnt this technique from expert teachers and have done practice. So if you’re looking for holistic, effective healing in every aspect of your life, why not learn from the source?
Mr. Vinod Khurana, CAIIB, an Ex- Banker & Financial Expert and a Chakra-Healing Practitioner has developed a new technique, which is a combination of the sciences of Astrology, Palmistry & Face Reading; and an effective Chakra-Healing System is used by him for the benefits of persons of various faiths. He has been doing this practice as a Social Service to masses for over a decade and has shown very effective results. Mr. Khurana is based in Dubai and can be contacted at +971557149983, email: for further information.

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