ZODIAC: Are you aware that the Zodiac is the belt of heavens
limited by lines of about 8 degrees from the ecliptic on each side. While the
Sun’s path is along the ecliptic, the planets do not follow the exact path of
Sun. They swerve to the north or south of the ecliptic with the range of 8
degrees. The 360 degree of the Circle are divided in to 12 Signs of Zodiac of 30 degree each.
The future of the person is decided at the time of his birth with the Ascendant rising in the East at the time of his/her birth.
The future of the person is decided at the time of his birth with the Ascendant rising in the East at the time of his/her birth.
I do not want to go further in complex
details of the Zodiac, Constellations to save readers’ time. I can only say
that a Person’s future life is decided by the Ascendant in the Horoscope along with
placement of other Planets in various Aspects or Houses.
I give below for the information of the readers, the brief details of features
of Persons born with these 12 Signs, which various due to time, longitude and
latitude of the place of birth of the Person: -
Aries (Mesha): Person with Aries as Ascendant normally has round
eyes, may have week knees. He/she is proud, aggressive and interested in
walking/moving. He/she is fond of hot foods, eats quickly and fond of opposite
sex. He/she sometimes suddenly bursts in to anger. This may hamper growth due
to stars’ position at the time of birth. To get insight of you and your future,
as well as to solve all your problems write to me at
Taurus (Vrishabha): Person with Taurus as Ascendant has broad face
and thighs. He walks sportingly, lucky and prosperous. He/she has a spirit of
sacrifice. He/she has good digestive powers. He/she is loved by friends, who do
not leave him. He/she puts up hard labor, but may not get full fruits. To get
insight of you and your future, as well as to solve all your problems write to
me at heavenlyblessings@suvik.ae.
Gemini (Mithun): Person with Gemini Ascendant is of comely
appearance and may have dark eyes depending upon the place of birth. He is fond
of eating different varieties of food. He/she peaks very sweetly. He/she is
fond of singing and dancing. He/she may not get the desired results of his
efforts. To get insight of you and your future, as well as to solve all your
problems write to me at heavenlyblessings@suvik.ae.
Cancer (Karka): Person with Cancer Ascendant is not very tall, will
have thick neck. He/she walks swiftly and waywardly. He/she has a flair for
houses near watery bodies. His/her fortunes wax and wane like moon. He/she may
have to take extra steps, depending upon position of stars in the Horoscope. To get insight of you and your future, as well
as to solve all your problems write to me at heavenlyblessings@suvik.ae.
Leo (Sinha): Person with Leo as Ascendant may have yellowish
eyeballs and prominent chin. He/she may have a sacrificing spirit and very courageous.
He/she gets anger at slightest provocation. He/she loves to stay in houses near
forests/mountains. He/she will be staying with comforts depending upon the
astrological position. To get insight of you and your future, as well as to
solve all your problems write to me at heavenlyblessings@suvik.ae.
Virgo (Kanya): Person with Virgo as Ascendant has drooping
shoulders and arms. He/she is shy and speaks slowly, but truthfully. He/she
loves arts and crafts. He/she is fond of company of opposite sex. He/she is
religious from heart. He/she is very intelligent. The fruits of his
intellectual efforts some times do not come to him/her depending upon stars. To get insight of you and your future, as well
as to solve all your problems write to me at heavenlyblessings@suvik.ae.
Libra (Tula): Person with Libra as Ascendant has tall and lean
body. He/she is fond of traveling different places. He/she is intelligent and
likes cleanliness. He/she loves to be called by two different names. He/she can
be a successful impartial judge/arbitrator. His may face eye sight problems if
the position of stars in his/her horoscope are not favoring. To get insight of
you and your future, as well as to solve all your problems write to me at
Scorpio (Vrischika): Person with Scorpio as Ascendant has big eyes
and round thighs. During his/her childhood has serious sickness. He/she does
not like to be treated with falsely-hood by any one. Does not forget the wrong
doings done by other and has a tendency of vengeance. Why a scorpion faces lot
of hardships in his life is on account of position of planets. But can be
easily rectified. To get insight of you and your future, as well as to solve
all your problems write to me at heavenlyblessings@suvik.ae.
Sagittarius (Dhanu): Person born with Sagittarius as Ascendant will
have large head and lengthy neck than normal persons. He/she is very active and
loves to engage himself/herself in work. He/she is very religious and
respectful to others. He/she can be persuaded easily. He/she can be very rich
due to giving help to others. To get insight of you and your future, as well as
to solve all your problems write to me at heavenlyblessings@suvik.ae.
Capricorn (Makara): Person born when the Capricorn is rising as
Ascendant has good eyes. He/she will have thin waist. He/she needs to get
protection from winter or cold. He/she will be fortunate and prosperous. He/she
is fond of walking and has a good stamina. If ascendant is not influenced by
good planets, he may become allergic. To get insight of you and your future, as
well as to solve all your problems write to me at heavenlyblessings@suvik.ae.
Aquarius (Kumbha): Person with Aquarius as Ascendant has large face
and large neck. His/ears are large and may have hairs on the ears. He/she is
fond of good scent and flowers. His/her fortune waxes and wanes like Moon, if
not properly advised. To get insight of you and your future, as well as to
solve all your problems write to me at heavenlyblessings@suvik.ae.
Pisces (Meena): Person with Pieces as Ascendant has beautiful eyes.
He/she can attract other very easily. He/she is fondly attached to his/her
wife/husband. He/she feels thirsty and drinks plenty of water. He/she may get
wealth easily or from abroad, if uses his/her skills tactfully. To get insight
of you and your future, as well as to solve all your problems write to me at
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