Friday, October 21, 2011

Natural Cure

Dear Reader,


Yesterday as I was walking down a street on the way to see a friend, I walked past a Medical Store. It wasn't the first time I walked past the store, of course. But every time I walk past the pharmacy, it will upset me. Just the mere sight of shelves and shelves of pills stacked upon pills... it makes me annoyed!
Have a headache? Pop an aspirin. Want to lose weight? Pop a diet pill. Can
't focus at work? Pop a Ritalin pill. Every possible thing you can think of has an over the counter pill solution. And with society accepting that pharmaceutical companies are the experts, we've become a pill-popping culture. I think this is one of the saddest things about modern society. We have been trained to believe that our bodies are against us. Okay, I'm really sorry if my reaction to this has upset anyone. I don't mean to be harsh, but it's just that I know about the power of natural healing, and I know that pills are not only often unnecessary... they can even be harmful. I am sure you know that drugs only fight the symptom - not heal the cause. Plus they will always have side effects. Even if you don't see it yet, the side effects will accumulate and cause more harm to your body in the long run. But the mind-body connection to heal from within is both strong and powerful. And there's no such thing as side effects with natural healing. With natural healing you can use your mind to heal yourself from within. What ailments do you want to overcome once and for all if you could harness the power of natural healing? Do you have a loved one you'd also like to help heal.
For your queries write to me at

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